The Cars Insurance Network: A New Way to Insure Your Car

The Cars Insurance Network: A New Way to Insure Your Car

If you’ve ever had to deal with an insurance company, whether to renew your current policy or get the new one, you know how frustrating the whole process can be. But it doesn’t have to be that way anymore! The Cars Insurance Network has developed an alternative solution that allows you to buy affordable car insurance from the anywhere in the country, not just from your local agent or broker. Read on to learn more about why so many people are switching their auto insurance to The Cars Insurance Network and how easy it can be for you, too!

How Does it Work?

When you purchase a car, getting insurance on it can be not easy. Most insurance companies are reluctant to insure vehicles just being driven off dealers’ lots; instead, they want proof that you’ve owned your car for at least six months.

Which Types of Customers are Eligible?

Most people are eligible to become a member of The Cars Insurance Network. However, you need a car worth at least $5,000 (any age, but must pass an inspection) and must be at least the 21 years old. So if you have a rusty old vehicle or one too new for its age group, it may not qualify for membership. In addition, your driving record must be clean, and no tickets or accidents within three months of joining are allowed. If either of all these requirements is not met, you must purchase additional coverage before getting insured through us. Of course, a monthly fee is also involved with your membership, so depending on how often you plan on driving, that could also factor into your final decision. Any questions?

What Makes the Cars Insurance Network Different?

One of the common complaints among the consumers who shop for insurance is that networks and agents inflate prices. This has led many people, especially younger drivers, to turn to online quote sites, where they can compare prices from dozens of companies without having an agent involved. The problem with these sites is that it’s almost impossible for them to offer lower rates than those provided by a company’s network. But what if there were the better way? What if you could get cheap car insurance through a network with many options and still enjoy benefits from your traditional agent? With The Cars Insurance Network, you can do just that!

Can You Add a Driver Later?

The difference between adding and replacing a driver on your policy is that if you add a driver, they are added to your policy automatically; if you replace a driver, they will not be added to your policy unless they meet specific criteria, such as being named in an owner’s policy. Even when an insured driver is added onto your vehicle insurance policy, it may only cover them for liability or one type of coverage for collision/comprehensive or uninsured/underinsured motorist. If you want all those additional drivers covered for full car insurance coverage, it would be best for you to apply for a new quote in their name.

Who else is using this service?

If you’re looking for a way to find cheap car insurance, then you’ll want to check out The Cars Insurance Network. Since insurance companies base their rates on how much they think they’ll have to pay out in claims, it’s common sense that if more people are using them, they can charge less because more people are spreading their risk. Getting with an insurance network like CarsInsuranceNetwork is an excellent way for you and others in your area to do just that—reduce risk. And reduce risk, you will!

Is There Anything Else I Should Know?

Most people have heard of insurance companies but may not be familiar with the concept of an insurance network. An insurance network is a group of different insurance companies that partner with each other and pool their resources to offer discounts and benefits for their members. Most major cities have these networks. However, consumers usually know little about them until they need them – like when a vehicle is damaged in a car accident, or someone gets into an accident at work. Today, I will explain how one company is building an innovative new network designed specifically for drivers (and passengers). It’s called The Cars Insurance Network, with something special in store for you.


Cheap Car Insurance

Cheap Car Insurance

How to find cheap car insurance

Everyone wants to save the money without giving up on quality. Some insurance companies focus on the necessities of driving your car legally – bodily injury and property damage liability with minimal limits – along with an intermittent claims process at best. Instead of risking that cheap auto insurance company, you can get quality coverage that doesn’t spoil the bank.

Insurance professionals can quickly design the auto insurance quote that meets your needs, even for those on a tight budget. In addition, we offer flexible coverage and billing options, allowing members to pay monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually online, by mail, or by phone. Keeping long-term flexibility in mind when deciding on an insurance company and not using only the cheapest car insurance option is essential.

What do I need to get the cheap auto insurance quote?

You and your computer or mobile phone only. Click to quote, and they’ll walk you through a few simple questions about:

  • yourself
  • your car
  • Other people are driving.
  • Your driving history
  • Vehicle insurance discounts that you may be eligible for
  • Learn more about extra cheap auto insurance coverage

Want more than reasonable, minimal coverage? They have off-liability options that won’t break the bank – even if you’re considered a high-risk with suboptimal credit, violations, license penalty points, no prior insurance, you’re a young driver, or you just got a foreign license.

Affordable auto insurance coverage options, subject to state availability, include:

  • Physical damage: collision and comprehensive
  • Uninsured/Uninsured Motorists
  • PIP (personal injury protection)
  • Non-owner insurance for an affordable coverage alternative
  • Real – 22
  • Take steps to save more money on the car insurance.

Taking steps to get cheaper car insurance, other than deductibles, is a great way to help you achieve the most affordable car insurance premiums for which you qualify:

  • Increase your credit score: Your credit score is a factor in calculating your insurance score. Auto insurance companies use the insurance score to determine your car insurance premium. Improving your credit score can positively affect your insurance, helping you achieve an affordable car insurance rate.
  • Pay in advance: If you can pay your total premium in one payment, you can get an even more significant discount.
  • Consider longer terms: Instead of six months with your auto insurance company, set a year long so you can take advantage of the insurance rate.
  • Improve your driving record: Accidents due to a fault and other accidents can increase your insurance rates. Cleaning your driving record can help you get cheaper car insurance.
  • Driving an old car: The cost of insuring an old car can be affordable due to its low value compared to the brand-new vehicle.
  • Take a defensive driving course: Completing the defensive driving course will often give you a discount on your car insurance.

Even when you do everything then you can to save on your car insurance, we understand that money can still be an issue. That’s why we also offer the following:

  • Flexible Payment Options
  • low payouts
  • Easy Return Policy
  • Expect affordable policy rates without sacrificing coverage and quality services.
  • You deserve more than an insurance product. Simply.
  • More cash in your pocket
  • More understanding of your unique life challenges
  • More time and the attention from your auto insurance company
  • Take advantage of car insurance discounts at Dairyland

They offer multiple money-saving discounts on our truly affordable vehicle insurance to help you protect and manage your budget further.

You can qualify for these discounts now:

  • Multi-car discount
  • Transfer discount
  • Homeowners Discount (ask about discount options for renters)

These are just the few of the discounts they offer. Be sure to check out more Dairyland auto insurance discounts. They want you to have options so you can customize your car insurance to meet your spending and coverage goals — ultimately helping to make your life easier.


Cars Insurance Prices

Cars Insurance Prices

Factors that affect car insurance rates

Not all insurance companies weigh their pricing factors in the same way. For example, the auto insurance quote you get at one company may be much cheaper at a different company for the same coverage. However, the following are the main factors in pricing equations:

Your driving record will follow you.

Your driving record includes your history of passing traffic violations and accidents resulting from the fault. The most significant factors to determining your car insurance rates. Auto insurance companies look at your driving history for the past three to five years, depending on your state. If you have been in a car accident or received traffic tickets, expect to pay more for car insurance.

You may have difficulty finding car insurance if you have a long history of fault accidents, traffic violations, and a DUI/DWI conviction. If the insurance companies refuse to cover you, you could end up with non-standard car insurance, which is insurance for “dangerous” drivers. Or, as a last resort, you will have to purchase car insurance from your state’s designated risk group.

But here is the good news: No matter your driving record, you can immediately work on improving it. Practicing safe driving habits and avoiding transgressions such as speeding violations and accidents will pay off. It may take few years, but the longer you drive without accidents, the better your car insurance rates will result.

Credit has traction

Many auto insurers make great use of credit-based insurance scores when setting rates. They maintain that credit predicts the likelihood of a claim being made.

Using credit-based insurance results for auto pricing is prohibited in California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Michigan.

Your coverage choices

The coverage you choose will have a significant impact on your car insurance rates. But don’t focus on the cheaper rates that make you skimp on the types of coverage you need.

For example, don’t just buy your state’s minimum requirements when you need comprehensive car insurance. Not having enough car insurance can be a recipe for financial disaster.

Here are some types of coverage:

  • Car Liability Insurance: This is the basis of your car insurance policy and is required in most states. Car insurance pays others liability for injuries and property damage if you cause a car accident. It also pays for legal defense if you are sued for a car accident.
  • Uninsured Drivers Insurance: This coverage is required in some states and optional in others. Uninsured driver coverage pays for your medical expenses if you are hit by someone who doesn’t have the liability insurance or does not have enough.
  • Collision and Comprehensive Coverage: These are two types of optional coverage that are often sold together.
  • Collision pays car repair bills if you get into a car accident. Comprehensive pays auto repair bills for theft, vandalism, animal collision, fire, flood, fallen objects, and hail. If you have the car loan or lease, you will likely be required to purchase collision and comprehensive insurance.
  • Medical Expenses Coverage: This type varies by state but generally pays for your medical bills and other expenses (such as lost wages) if you are injured in a car accident. In some of the states, you may be required to purchase personal injury protection insurance.

Your auto insurance company may offer additional options such as:

  • Accident Exemption: Some auto insurance companies “forgive” a faulty car accident. But you usually have to pay the extra for accident forgiveness, and there may be some restrictions, such as one amnesty per policy every three years.
  • Gap Insurance: If you have the car loan, gap insurance pays the “gap” between what you owe on loan and the actual value of the car if it was pooled in an accident covered by your policy.
  • Rental reimbursement insurance: This insurance pays for a rental car or alternative mode of transportation (such as a train or bus fare) if your vehicle is in the store due to the issue covered by a policy, such as a car accident. Rent reimbursement coverage is optional.
  • Roadside Assistance Insurance: If your vehicle is malfunctioning, roadside assistance insurance pays for towing, battery starting, locksmiths, and flat tire repair.

Car insurance discount

The deductible amount will also affect your rates. The deductible is what you pay out of pocket if you file a claim for vehicle repair bills. You can usually choose deductible amounts ranging from $250 to $2,500.

Your car insurance history

If you’re a new driver and this is your first car insurance policy, you can expect to pay a higher price. That’s because auto insurance companies won’t have much information to assess the risks.

The “coverage gap” can also lead to higher auto insurance rates. This is a period when car insurance is not available. For example, if your car insurance company cancels you for non-payment or you are between cars, you do not have car insurance. The insurers see the coverage gap as a higher risk, which often translates to higher premiums.

If you do not have a car insurance but want to avoid the coverage gap (for example, if you’re between cars), non-owner auto insurance is a good option for maintaining ongoing auto insurance coverage.

The type of car you drive

The car you drive is also vital in determining your car insurance rates. They will look at past claims from similar models and evaluate repair costs, theft rates, and upfront payments for blanket claims.

Age and driving experience

Young and inexperienced drivers pay higher car insurance rates because they pose a higher risk of car accidents. For example, drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are three times more likely to be involved in the fatal accident than drivers over the age of 20, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Your zip Code

Location-driven pricing factors include weather claims (such as hail), accidents, and auto theft. The Drivers in urban areas tend to pay more for coverage than those in the suburbs due to higher theft rates, vandalism, and car accidents.

The other location-related factors include the cost of medical care, vehicle repair costs, and the frequency of car accident claims.
